在vwin德赢娱乐,我们相信有许多不同的学习模式, and we are committed to promoting engaged learners by offering unique and varied opportunities for immersive learning among our students and faculty. GA Experience (GAXP) was piloted in 2017 and 2018 thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor and was offered at no cost to Upper School students.
To capture the interest of students and to encourage this deeper dive into learning to connect with our mission and the world in a meaningful way, 每年在服务学习的教育方面设计两到四次旅行, nature, arts. 每班计划为12-18名学生提供服务, with a gender and age balance, and two faculty members per trip. 被考虑参加这个特殊的项目, 学生必须申请并以书面形式分享他们希望参加的原因.
首批XP项目之一“费城壁画艺术”,” explored various neighborhoods and their unique collection of murals; engaged with and learned from Philadelphia’s artists, journeyed through Isaiah Zagar’s Magic Gardens; worked on an established Philadelphia mural project; and then developed a mural for our GA community – all in one week! In addition to the arts, GAXP旅行让参与者沉浸在音乐的世界里, backpacking, whitewater rafting,
eco-farming, 与其他志愿者一起在陶斯的仁爱之家工作, New Mexico, 协助新奥尔良和波多黎各的救灾工作.
"Being able to help others in need, learn about New Orleans, and experience New Orleans culture all in the span of only a few days was incredible and once in a lifetime. 这是一次有益的经历,我希望每个人有一天都有机会这样做." - Autem Burgess '21